The ability to effectively communicate with your customers, especially in the times that we’re in now is very important. Text message marketing can play a big role in helping to get your message to customers. I asked my friend Zach Codes from Ovation to join me on today’s podcast to discuss all things text message marketing for local businesses.
Zach is the founder of Ovation, a successful text message marketing company. He shares all the pros, the cons as well as examples of text message marketing done right.
Hope you enjoyed this episode of the local business podcast.
Mentioned In This Episode:
- Zack Oates
- Ovation
- Smart Pizza Marketing Mastermind
- Smart Pizza Marketing Email (the best email)
- SPM Marketing Platform
- SPM Marketing For Restaurant Facebook Group
Thanks For Listening
Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I hope that you have found it to be valuable. If you have a question or comment you can email at
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Bruce Irving

65 Ideas To Make Creating Content For Your Business Super Easy.